Friday, March 19, 2010

Getting the vegetable garden ready

Yesterday, my dear daughter helped me load our tubs with compost from our animals. We went ahead and loaded every pot I could find, too. I'm getting started a little late this year, but am excited and ready to go!

A few days ago we filled egg cartons with some compost and planted many seeds. Some of the plants are already starting to peek their little heads through the soil. Then, we went to our local farm store and saw they already had some starter plants for sale. We purchased a strawberry plant and a butterleaf lettuce plant.
I am blessed to be a part of a fantastic neighborhood. I say neighborhood, even though everyone here lives on 2 - 5 acre lots. So, it's not your typical "neighborhood". Regardless, I live near a great bunch of people. Everyone knows each other and chips in to help with things whenever needed. My neighbors have already told me what they are putting in their gardens and I have told them, as well, what I've got going. This year, we intend to share our wealth. Each of us will grow some different things and share with one another. Last year, each of us had way too much of what we were growing and were able to share with friends. This year, we are being more intentional about helping each other. Don't worry! I'm sure there will still be extra for each of you! For instance, I am trying to grow some beets. I hate beets. Maybe I will like them this year and maybe not. If you like beets, let me know. I think I just might have some farm fresh ones for you!